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A good manager always knows how to motivate employees; he knows motivation techniques and applies them effectively to get results. Here are a few tips that will help you motivate your workforce: 

Employees look up to those people who are leading them; they are inspired by their qualities and vision. Employers should aim to win the trust of their employees through good communication and provide instant feedback on their performance. Building mutual understanding with the employees helps you eradicate problems and work towards effective solutions. 

Meaningful Work
Employees want to do some meaningful work; they want to work on the top priority projects and want to feel that their work is valued.
The vision and goals of the company should be made clear by the employers so that employees can work towards achieving hem. These visions also act as a marker for their progress. 

Clear Instructions
Job descriptions should be absolutely clear and must not be vague. All the roles and responsibilities of the employees must be stated clearly so that optimum output can be derived. Employees will perform better knowing the type of work they have to do.
Fair Compensation and Pay
The company must have a proper wage structure; employee motivation is heavily linked with money. Managers must also offer bonuses on impressive performances or overtime pay for any additional work done. 

Input from Employees
Encourage participation from employees. Ask them to present new ideas and give them a chance to make decisions. Ultimately it is the employer who will authorize any transaction, but getting an employee’s view on projects will make them feel more involved. 

Management Approach
Managers need to have different approaches for employees because a workforce is likely to have all types of people from self motivated individuals to lazy latecomers. Some people need more time to settle in while others feel at home from their first day at work, therefore, varying your management approach for each person will enable you to get the best out of them. 

Focusing on the important things like employee motivation will not only strengthen your relation with your workers, but will also improve your company’s chances of sustainable growth on a consistent level. 
