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A friend sent me the following article which I found interesting re unique ways to boost employees' motivation:


Employees are sometimes overworked, hence they need some sort of motivation to keep going, do their work and achieve the results their bosses require from them.

A lot of business leaders look for innovation in the workplace and to achieve it, they introduce programs through which workers’ productivity and creativity can be increased.

Setting aside the traditional methods of employee motivation, here are some unique methods that will motivate your employees:

You can reward your employees with offsite gatherings, for example, a picnic or a day at the movies. This helps employees bond together and develop relationships. It is also an incentive for them to continue working hard.

During break time employees can be entertained via a game room. This has now become a common practice in most offices. You can place a ping pong table or provide the workers with regular card games to help them relax.

Holiday Celebrations
Employees may want to celebrate events like Christmas and Easter with their colleagues, so you should give them the opportunity to do so by arranging an official party at the office or taking them to a carnival.

Decorate Your Workplace
This is a very innovative method of employee motivation; you can have a contest at work to see who can decorate their desk the best within a set budget. You can even have it on a larger scale and make it a departmental competition; this sort of activity will lighten the mood and encourage people to participate thus creating a healthy work environment.

Normally companies would reward workers for their hard work by giving out awards such as employee of the month, etc. But it doesn’t have to be so serious. Try to introduce fun awards such as worst dressed, latecomer and messiest desk. Not only do such activities create a jovial atmosphere but also encourage team building.


Employee motivation does make a difference in the workplace. Are your employees really engaged or are they just moving along uninspired?

For more info on how to build a team of engaged and motivated staff, buy and read The New Leaders, a Leadership Manual for the managers of the Third Millenium. http://www.paoloruggeri.net/pagine.asp?idp=93  

Paolo Ruggeri