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Yesterday I delivered a presentation in Skopjie, Macedonia, to a group of local managers and business owners regarding how to grow when the economy is tough. Here are the nine strategies I shared: 

1) Handle the Internal Reasons: when in a slump do not justify it away, handle the internal causes

2) Get out of your comfort zone: you generate value only when you display courage

3) Embrace marketing: build a nice story around your product. Find out something in which you are unique. 

4) Write your long term goals and stick to them

5) Find a conspirator, a person of equal capabilities with whom you can build your company 

6) Rethink the sales process 

7) Expand on international markets: it will give you the strengths, energy and ideas to be more efficient also at home 

8) Manage time: do today the things that will make a big difference tomorrow. Do not get caught up in busy work

9) Study! Improve yourself. 

For whoever is interested in buying the book The New Leaders, the book can be ordered here http://www.paoloruggeri.net/buy-paolo-ruggeri-books.asp 

Our business school MBS is held monthly in Bologna Italy and the next dates will be: 

13 and 14 December 2016 

26 and 27 January 2017 

28 Febrary and 1 March 2017 

Slides of my presentation are attached 

Paolo Ruggeri 

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