- E-commerce - Implementation of streaming platforms (films, TV series)
- Communication through social media (Tik Tok, We Chat) in particular to make tutorials, online training, mini videos
- Delivery: The Food & beverage sector has specialized in home delivery and online reservations.
- The sale of frozen products has also grown.
- The cosmetic products sector has grown. Having more time, women have dedicated themselves to making self-aesthetic treatments, in particular: face masks, DIY shock treatments, mud, nail art, etc.
In general, companies have tried to keep in touch with customers. In China, people use the phone a lot and do almost everything with devices, for example: online shopping, use of streaming TV, booking and purchase of food or other goods / services.
Starting from the February 10th 2020, people have returned to almost "normal" and go out. In Shanghai there are 25 confirmed cases and the new cases that are occurring are mainly "imported". Italians or Chinese who return are obliged to stay in quarantine for 14 days at a hotel that is made available to the state for those who return. When people go out and frequent public areas, they all wear masks.
All restaurants and shops are open. At the supermarket there are many multiple offers (e.g. 3x2) to dispose of stocks. In general, people want to go out and have gone back to spending, but avoid gatherings. They don't go to the cinema. They go to the restaurant, but the restaurateurs are obliged to keep the safety distance of 1m between one table and the other and the number of people at the table must be limited.
Companies are open. Some full time, while others only part time. Production has resumed in Wuhan, but the rules to be respected for internal staff are very strict. Before entering the company, employees are obliged to measure the body temperature, put on masks and gloves. The office functions not essential for the continuation of the production activity (sales, marketing, accounts) work from home with smart working.
All employees must make a self-certification stating that they have not been in a risk area in the previous 14 days.
Companies that have an internal canteen are obliged to have separé that physically divides one person from another.
Restaurants are open even if they have limited hours, for example openings until 3a.m. are not allowed. However, the delivery service remains active. People have become accustomed to ordering online.
Schools have not been reopened yet, the kids are taking e-learning lessons.
People have become used to managing many aspects of everyday life with the help of technology.
Many appointments or group meetings are avoided and attempts are made to avoid gatherings of people. All this both for preventive health purposes and for reasons of environmental impact and lifestyle.
Prevention will be a very important lever and new measures have already been taken in this direction. For example, when someone has or will have a cold they will be forced to always wear a mask. Supermarkets may equip themselves to provide free delivery for the elderly or the healthiest. The masks must be supplied free of charge to all people who enter supermarkets or hypermarkets. Schools will implement e-learning platforms. In general, efforts will be made to avoid groupings of a large number of people. If they get sick, they will have to stay at home and schools will be able to do lessons remotely anyway. In the workplace there will be pre-access systems with health check-ups. Body temperature will be measured and mask and gloves and perhaps more will be provided as mandatory devices. Sanitation will become mandatory on a systematic basis.
This experience will change us. The business will have to become increasingly global and diversified.
We will learn that businesses and markets can be compromised alternately.
In the event that a country stops, we will have to be ready to have an active business / country.
Markets are interconnected and while I have the red light on one country it may happen that on another I have the green light that will allow me to continue growing and prospering.
China's experience with its successful case history can become a "know-how" that today they are transferring to Italians and tomorrow the Italians will be transferring to other countries. Chinese managers are moving to study solutions to restart companies. We will do the same too.
Managers will need to exchange and import knowledge aimed at survival and diversification.
Smart working / smart life will become normal.
Many of the activities that we do paid by the hour today will vanish and we will be evaluated on the results.
Hospitality and holidays will not foresee the masses. The holidays must be spread throughout the year to avoid large groupings of people. This will be a great new opportunity for the sector.
The inputs and outputs must be more programmable, measures will probably be taken to avoid mass tourism at certain times of the year.
Unless a vaccine is found, nothing will return as before. Is your company ready to cross the desert?