The course, for those who want to do it to their collaborators, is now also available through the OSM network, but I still list some of the key points:
1. You have to teach managers or key people, in the case of micro enterprises, how to manage people remotely.
2. Make sure each of your collaborators has built a space with the minimum requirements to work with. This seems trivial, but it is not.
3. When working remotely, and especially in a crisis like this, time management is different. There is a real risk that our people will be absorbed almost entirely by social networks and chats. You have to make sure that important activities are in their work plans.
4. Use video calls with your key men at least once a day.
5. Everyone must have a statistic or a KPI that must be checked daily, at least in the start phase. Remember: a priority, a statistic, an activity. Keep things simple and people focused.
6. Be the first to write a daily report and send it by email to your colleagues, otherwise emotional distance and misunderstandings will arise.
7. Hold weekly meetings via zoom or skype. Duration 1.5 hours.
Our sales and service statistics, despite being closed at home, have increased by 300% last week. If you learn to manage you can also be productive with all your staff at home.
Increasing efficiency and productivity even in complicated situations like these is possible. Don't get dismantled!