Paolo Ruggeri
I think that we speak too little of the great satisfaction inherent in being an entrepreneur. Most speeches about the economy and the workplace concern topics such as "the falling purchasing power, the crisis of the fourth week, the fate of the precarious", etc. Mind you, these are all important issues and should be discussed.
But why don’t we stop talking just about "how to limit the misery" and start talking about how to REALLY CREATE WEALTH AND PROSPERITY? If you want to really create wealth, the one and only answer is: You need to be an entrepreneur.
Being an entrepreneur is a challenge, it takes courage, concentration, passion for the products or services, intelligent management. At first, you’re missing many of these things and all you feel is fear, then gradually you develop these things or you better understand how to do them. Then the fear disappears, and all you have left is excitement.
Being an entrepreneur allows you to stop complaining about things that don’t go well, being underpaid, of not being valued, that your boss doesn’t understand you, etc. and allows you to do something about it: open your company and show how it’s done.
Being an entrepreneur, if you’re a good one, meaning if you really have PASSION for what you do, allows you to have the economic rewards that you would never have even dreamed possible (especially true in these months of the year when you need to pay dividends...).
Being an entrepreneur gives you the satisfaction of seeing your employees grow, buying a house, maturing as a person, starting a family, feeling successful.
Being an entrepreneur allows you to really grow: an entrepreneur is not just a matter of going to open the VAT/EIN or passing by the notary to found your Ltd, and is certainly not taking part in a network marketing hoax. Being an entrepreneur is something more. It’s APPLICATION, DECISION, COMMITMENT, PREDICTION.
I can sum it all up in a single word: CONCENTRATION. Being an entrepreneur is a routine that always requires great concentration and, as it’s done, you realize that it not only changes your degree of prosperity, but you yourself become more and more effective and always discover new resources that you had never imagined .
In the end, being an entrepreneur is life-changing. If you've never done it, someday you should try it.
Enough with all this talk about poverty, about fourth week crisis, that there is no money. Although I understand them and I always try to help, I’ve gotten rather tired of all this talk. The world is full of opportunities, today more than ever. And when you don’t understand, know that it isn’t the world that is wrong, but it is much more likely that it is your attitude that is wrong.
Paolo Ruggeri
No matter how messed up your business or your life may be, there is still a path for you to recover and get back in shape. Even if at this moment it’s difficult for you to see it. There are many entrepreneurs who are wisely looking for solutions, instead of being overcome by pessimism. These are some of the actions that they all have in common:
1) LOOK FOR INTERNAL CAUSESIn the face of less suboptimal corporate results "Looking for external causes" means blaming these results on the crisis, on the economic trend. These days for an entrepreneur it’s very easy to find the "external causes", to justify the less than fantastic progress in his company. Just turn on the TV or read any newspaper and there they are, in plain sight, dozens of excuses to explain away the suboptimal performance of our businesses. Watching the INTERNAL causes, however, compels each of us to look for and fix what does not work within our companies. These internal factors, rather than the crisis or customer difficulties or the market, are what determine the unsatisfactory results of our companies.
2) GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONEWhat is the "comfort zone"? It’s a cozy place, where you're good, where you would love to stay forever. And what is out of the "comfort zone"? Hard work, commitment, fatigue, disappointment, stress, difficult choices... Now, why would anyone ever want to leave the comfort zone knowing that all of this is out there waiting for them? Leaving the "comfort zone" can seem impossible, but it' s out of this area that we create value for ourselves and for our company.
3) START MARKETING (SERIOUSLY)In a market like today where there’s an abundance of supply, and where there is less money in circulation and therefore fewer customers, one can not underestimate the power of promotion. In these new economic scenarios, the motto of small and medium-sized enterprises that are growing and making good profits, must certainly be “abundant marketing” in the sense that these companies devote communication and a large part of their energies and resources.
4) BECOME A "FANATIC" WITH REGARD TO FINANCIAL ASPECTSYou have to create a corporate dashboard that allows you to monitor monthly revenue, earnings and liquidity. If you don’t know how you've done in the past month, how will you ever know what needs repairing? If your company is losing money you need to know in near real time so as to be able to intervene and fix what does not work. You can’t afford to wait and find out six months later or at the budget evaluation. You also cannot delegate it to the accountant. You are the one that must know. Entrepreneurs who make good profits devote about 15% of their time to the financial management of the company, and to studying and improving the performance of sales, earnings and liquidity. Not keeping track of these statistics, or just “winging it” with regard to financial aspects, is one of the major problems plaguing businesses.
5) BUILD A COMPANY OF BEAUTIFUL PEOPLEThe value of a business idea is directly proportional to the quality of the people who join you in your passion for it. Even if you have a brilliant and innovative idea, but are joined only by low to medium quality people, that idea isn’t going to take over the market. Companies that come to excel in the market first make sure to attract the best talent available in the group, the most capable and productive people they can afford, and THEN decide what to do next. Whereas companies that suffer first establish the WHAT (i.e. what are the goals that they would like to achieve) and then try to get help from whichever people they already have.
6) DO BUSINESS WITH COURAGEThe ability to dream and imagine, determination, passion and a touch of madness, go hand in hand with another important aspect of character that unites those entrepreneurs who are beating the crisis: they are, first and foremost, courageous. Courage is not the lack of fear, but an awareness of your own power, the value of your ideas and the great person that you are. Courage, vision, desire for victory, the willingness to be the first to accept a great challenge, and a touch of madness, are just some of the aspects of character that make not only great managers but, most importantly, great men. Accept a challenge to bring more value to your customers and remember that, in the words of Erasmus, “the best ideas come not from reason, but from a lucid and visionary madness.” Character is the secret weapon of every great entrepreneur.
6 + 1) REMEMBER THAT COMPANIES ARE ALSO MEANT TO BE FUN.It seems trivial, but this tip is deeper than it might seem. If it becomes "just a job" or "just an economic activity," if we no longer feel the PASSION to see the face of a client in front of our great creation, if all our company has become is a mere excel sheet or statistical chart, then perhaps we are missing an ingredient. You have to like what you do and you have to like a lot. Remember that even if someone earns well, people open companies above all to have fun, and when the fun ends… so does the company.
Everyone struggles at one time or another. It's what makes us human. But now go out there and make your business grow!
Paolo Ruggeri
Let's look at the evidence. Research done by Ernest & Young shows that companies with at least one woman on the board will make greater profits than those where women are absent. According to another study, conducted by McKinsey, companies with equal representation on the board enjoy higher profits (by 56%!) compared to other companies.
Society is undergoing a feminization of values. What are feminine values? Care, love, affection, the ability to develop interpersonal relationships.
To continue to generate value it is therefore necessary to grasp the changes in society. If we think about it for a moment, we realize that the symbols of power have changed. What a few years ago was seen as a symbol of social success, is no longer considered so today. The car, for example, is no longer a symbol of power, not as much as it once was.
This is not about who's better, women or men, the key point is to understand that there are new values, that are becoming ever more crucial, and that belong more to the world of women.
- Emphasis has been moved from authority, to collaboration and motivation: leadership once was based on the authoritarian model, but today the critical factor of success depends on the ability to motivate people and to develop synergies.- Emotional growth: there are different emotional scales, and those who can recognize the different nuances have an advantage in building relationships.- Networking: Today, alliances are an exceptional competitive advantage- Caring for others: Customer care is crucial in order for a company to run smoothly.- Ability to break down barriers: Women are used to fighting for things, whenever social restrictions haven't permitted them something or tried to hold them back. They need to be determined to overcome barriers, which are sometimes imposed by clichés.
In a market that is so strongly characterized by typical male traits, attention to detail, and orientation towards economic results, the sensitivity typical of the female world, their ability to listen to and understand the needs of those around them, can really make a difference. Women are essential because they possess natural skills that integrate seamlessly with those of their male colleagues.
These are the main reasons why companies with women in management are able to obtain excellent results.
You must be aware of this shift of values towards the female world and adapt your business strategies and dynamics accordingly.
Paolo Ruggeri