After being published in the USA, the promotion and distribution of The New Leaders, Paolo's best seller on people management, continues.
The New Leaders has been translated and published in Bulgaria and it is available on the app store, here:
Yesterday I gave a presentation to the franchisee's of Granite Transformations. Attached you'll find the slides of the General Session presentation as well as the Break Out Session on Hiring.
I described how emotion can affect business and later on, in the break out session, together with Colby Wickman and Mike Mallory I went over how to immediately implement a process to improve HR in the company.
During the two days of the convention I was inspired by the values driving the Granite Transformations people: people driven by values, by passion, by faith, a really incredible group. I was inspired myself by the fantastic presentations.
I want to thank Paul Lane, Andrea di Giuseppe and Mark Johnson for the invitation.
Slides are attached.
Paolo Ruggeri
Yesterday I had a pleasure to speak at the Trend Sales Conference in Long Beach, California.
I have gone over six basic points or strategies that need to be executed in order to be a successul consultant:
1) Don't blame, be proactive
2) Become a coach: praise and help them win
3) Embrace their personal goals
4) Act as if you were a shareholder of the company
5) Exchange in abundance
6) Praise
Slides attached.
Paolo Ruggeri
This is a letter we just received from an executive about the book The New Leaders, a Leadership Manual for the third millenium manager:
Dear Mr. Ruggeri, I was remiss for not sending this note upon receipt of your book The New Leaders. I thouroughly enjoyed reading it. It provides helpful insights in leadership.
It is wonderful to read about your success in this book. Your two presentations at our International Meeting and Global Meeting were very well received. Everyone was impressed with the content and your delivery.
Warm regards
For more information about The book The New Leaders
Here is a short e-mail I have just received from a customer in the United States regarding the Human Talent Analysis:
"Hi Paolo,
I have to tell you this Test is amazing...Everything you have pointed out is what i have been seeing over the years. I'm absolutely amazed on how this test works.
Amazing tool to have.
I'll also have my installer that I would like to take it as soon as he has the time...(we are busy-good news).As soon as he does I will contact you again.
Im extremely grateful of your help.
Thank you have a great weekend
The Human Talent Analysis helps manager and business owners in understanding whether they have the right person in the right place and how to better manage their staff and employees.
Paolo Ruggeri